Starting from your day with an Alarm clock (which may be an APP in your new cell phone), when you stretch your hand from your bed for a NEWS PAPER (you have multiple choices of brands) after which the brand of your TEA, and of course how can we forget those TOOTHPASTE and other TOILETRIES. Get freshen up with the newly launched SHOWER GEL and get inside the cover of any famous APPAREL & DEO brand. And here is your breakfast table ready with a varity of FLAKES (no matter if all of them ultimately have to get drowned into the milk and tastes the same) and FRUIT JAMS. Now as you are ready for your office, dont forget to take your latest LAPTOP and an impressive PEN. Here comes your CAR (big question to ask, which brand???). As soon you reach to office, its time to set your work station holding so many multi branded STAIONARY items. And of course its not only work, its about SOCIAL NETWORKING tooo, so on which portal you are most active? Anyways, its time for lunch, and you have a long menu to choose from SUBS, PIZZAS, BURGERS, or any other Branded Cuisine. So, its time for again a branded tea break, this time don't forget to serve hand made but branded COOKIES to your clients........!
Its evening, and your partner must be waiting for you to watch a movie..... oh by the way which MULTIPLEX CHAIN do you prefer the most? And believe you me, if you even tried to end up this evening without a branded ICE CREAM/FOOD... you better be ready to see your partner in a furious mode. Your evening might end up here, but today you were lucky and you got the invitation ;-), but hey hold on.... do you knw which FLAVOUR she likes??? ;) aah u might not get end up thinking about it, and suddenly you realise, tat it hardly made any difference, except those mosquitoes as u forgot to open the power mode of your MOSQUITO REPLENT tonight. True but Strange, u r in a SUPERMARKET...!!!