We all are so much busy in our Marketing and Branding policies, that we overlook the importance of targeting the right TG in our Marketing/Promotion activities.
The same case I came across with very recently, when I found out that a big corporate which is conducting 'n' types of Promotion activities both ATL and BTL; which are actually giving the correct message, correct meaning, but to the wrong TG. Result = Low Sales.
Yes, it happened, and it is not very abnormal, when we all are very much busy with our microscopic view towards the Branding and Marketing policies; over and above the 'Brand' and 'Market'. It is not that, their policies had any problem. It is because when they were actually implementing those ATL/BTL policies on ground level execution, they were engaging wrong TG, and that too unkowingly.
"So, before getting ready to show your archery skills, choose the correct Target Board".
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