BMW is pefectly on their line track of their Brand Personality.
If we see the essence of their tag lines;
"Sheer Driving Pleasure" - A pleasurable driving which is very different from all. (Note: The weightage here is given to the "Driver", and the pleasure he will get while driving a BMW. This means more comfort, controls for the driver).
"Joy Is BMW" - "Joy is Timeless, Joy is BMW". Taking their concern for driving further, BMW is now highlighting the emotional outcome of their previous tagline (Sheer Driving Pleasure), which is "Joy".
So, we can say, that BMW is increasing their reach not to the Target Customers; but in the target customers i.e.; the niche marketing strategy.
Customers for BMW are not those who use to sit on the Rear seat. But, they are those who loves to have the steering in their hand; and of course the 'Jogger Dial' besides them :-)
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